Weather Changes

Did you no that there is to much carbon dioxide? People are polluting the environment by not turning lights of

and throwing to much paper away. It is making the earth hotter.  If the world gets any hotter it will melt the polar

ice caps and if that happens it will flood the beaches and all most all of Oregon. Here’s a picture.


Watch this video about kids working to help protect our environment.
 what can you do to stop pollution?

My Trip

On the first day of spring break me and my family went to Grants Pass.

That night it was my ants birthday. The day after that we went to the beach.

It was fun. We flew kites, I ran in and out with the tides. Heres a picture.

The day after that we went to the vortex. You could lean back and not fall. Heres a picture.

After that we went zip lining. There where lots of fun zip lines. Heres a picture of zip lining.

The day after that we headed home. On the way we went through a drive through place called Wild Life Safari. We had lots of fun.